วันพุธที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556


Scientific name : Curcuma longa L.
Common name : Turmaric.
Family : Zingiberaceae.
Other Name : Turmeric (General ), turmeric, curry, turmeric, turmeric Josh Head ( Mai )

Horse Mint Min (South ).
Botanical characteristics : plant height 30-90 cm Age years underground rhizomes elliptic cylindrical branches New York minute facet opposite the meat in isolation characteristic yellow-orange leaves stalks protruding in an exceedingly circle overlay. ar 12-15 cm long , lanceolate, 30-40 cm wide flower bouquet pierce the stalks . Inserted between the stem cylindrical, yellowness petals . husk inexperienced or ivory flowers bloom 3-4 times per spherical with 3 lobes .

Part used: stalk for contemporary and dry.

Properties .

  1. The internal medication .
           - The bloating .
           - Resolve looseness of the bowels.
           - fastened inflammation.

     2.  Drugs outside
            - efflorescence to severe skin ulcers .
            - Channatu treatment and scalp is unquiet rash .

Method and quantity of use .
The internal medication .
Rhizomes ar long contemporary grated regarding a pair of inches out from the shell. Rinse completely, adding a lot of juice to stay pounding water . dose a pair of tablespoons 3-4 times daily .

Drugs outside
Unlimited stalks to dry . Crushed to a fine powder. Applied on the grain rash . very fashionable , particularly in kids .

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