วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Black Pepper

Scientific Name: pepper vine L. 
Common name: Black Pepper. 
Family: magnoliopsid family. 
Other names: slightly pepper (Northern). 

Botanical characteristics: a creeper with each the male and therefore the feminine. Trunk with clear and shaded. Leaves square measure alternate, elliptic or oval pointed leaf apex rounded or slightly pointed. Blade dimension three.5 to six cm long and 7-10 cm at the bottom of the leafage with 3-5 flowers into a bouquet and opposite leaves. A bouquet of long stem 10-20 metric linear unit inflorescence axis hooked up to the underlying interest. Ovary spherical spore extract at 3-6 lobes male flowers square measure flowers with stamens and therefore the 2 along on a protracted inflorescence 5-15 cm of sphere size 4-5 cm, old, black seeds inside a second. seed 
Part used: leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds. 
  • Leaf - the wind, colic, flatulence, tumescent tight. 
  • Result - the result's not nonetheless ripe to be a spice. ingredient food. 
  • Seeds - carminative, diuretic drug tonic pituitary perspiring nutrient stomach upset. 
  • Flowers - redeye flight conserving several sorts of mango pickle. 

And quantitative ways square measure used: the seeds zero.5-1 g powder grinding low beans for 15-20 hours the primary time. 
Chemistry: a 2-4% oil containing alkaloids piperin 5-9%, that is formed spicy. Moreover, piperidine, pipercanine flavor is pungent and spicy. (Which was originally thought to be chavicine) pepper is black pepper oil is below Martinmas macromolecule and sixty fifth supermolecule.

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