วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Senna siamea Lam

Senna siamea Lam (ขี้เหล็ก)

Scientific name: Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby.
Common name: Cassod tree, Thai copper pod.
Family: Leguminosae - ceasalpinioideae.

Synonyms: Cassia giant (central) cassia essence (Ratchaburi) cassia Royal (North) Cassia House (Sydney, London), vegetables pendant Lee (curved - Son) i actually Musume Studio Pha. (Karen - Mae), Yaha (Malay - Pattani).
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Botanical characteristics: tree, 10-15 m tall branching ligneous plant is slim. Bark brown. there's a shallow groove on the blade length is licenced a feather out the leaves alternate, oval leaves 13-19 cm long, 4 cm wide, 1.5 shallow dished leaves leaf leaves sleek rounded edges sleek. inexperienced leaves with maroon flowers into a bouquet in bouquet isolated areas at the ends of branches, flowers yellow sepals spherical with 3-4 petals rounded finish flowers have 5 petals rounded apex cone tapered hair simple shank length one -. 1.5 cm, and therefore the stamens ar long, flat pods ar 15-23 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, thick, brown seeds ar seeds.
Part used: flowers, roots, stems, and branches of the tree bark, leaves, pods, bark, pods, leaves the nucleus.

Properties .

- Treat nerve cause sleep disorder sleep.
- Treating respiratory illness with blood disorder flare parts.
- Treat dandruff drive parasite

Root -the treatment of fever, cold legs. Apply the answer to the palsy of the lower skin lesions, fever , fever, toxic parts .

Stems and branches - as a laxative to treat disease, T.B. cure gallstones expelling water pill drive leg.

The beginning - the T.B. were fever , body fluid remedy treatment of Cupid's disease. Treatment of jaundice, laxative tonic cause ligament laxness .

Bark - cure hemorrhoids cure infection T.B. used as a laxative.

- Treatment of polygenic disorder. Treatment of Cupid's disease. Used as a laxative.
- TB , respiratory disease and carcinoma, carcinoma, stomachal cancer.

- Keep the warmth within the treatment of infectious disease, polygenic disorder bubo
- Treatment of avitaminosis. scale back high force per unit area, a malady as a laxative.
- Treatment of sleep disorder .

Pod - the fever to gall. For fever phlegm. Blood lands up on high on top of the world . The unrest within the abdomen.

Shell ear - the retractile disabilities.

Leaves - accustomed create compost.

Method and quantity of use.

Relieve anxiety, insomnia, loss of craving.
Leaves dry weight thirty g or fifty g of contemporary leaves arduous poached some water before bed. Leaves associate alcohol or drug. (I'm white enough to flood the drug infusion daily for seven days, the liquid waste treatment systematically filtering out the liquid soured liquor cassia) Drink 1-2 teaspoons before bed time.

Cure constipation laxatives laxatives.
Use 2-3 leaves some 2 finger grip or core items of the leaves square measure 3-4 or 1-1 ½ cup water to a boil with somewhat salt. Drink after you come to life in morning. Or before breakfast once.

           Core and shell blade anthraquinone organic compound like Rhein, aloe-emodin, Chrysophanol Sennoside and flowers contain a bitter substance named chromone name Barakol and cassiamin.

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