วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Nux-vomica Tree

Scientific Name : Strychnos nux-vomica L.
Common name : Nux-vomica Tree, Snake Wood.
Wong : Strychnaceae.
Other names: Red Crow Krahig Kakligg boom slang slang Thom slgebea thousands .

Botanical characteristics .
Part used: wood trees concerning thirty feet high by opposite leaves ar ovate -oblong scams dimension 5-8 cm long and 7-12 cm axillary flower bouquet flowers recent fruits inexperienced spherical seeds. a round, flat buttons . grey -green color . lined with soft brown fur .

Properties .
- Have referred to as organic compound phytotoxin.
- it's the beating heart stimulant and nerve tonic one.
- Drug dogs fed the powder up one grain of phytotoxin alkaloids fed dogs have one before I die seizures doll to death at intervals 1-3 hours (** kill the sin in life isn't to do).
- features a slightly bitter style, tired drunk . TB , fever, poisoning , removing appetency.

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