วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556


Scientific name : Physalis angulata L.
Common name : Hogweed, Ground Cherry.
Other names: Tom Toms Tok Tok Ba (Chiangmai ) Ta secretion and Stuttgart (China ) Ping Pung ( Pattani ) Ping Peng ( Nong Khai ) .

Botanical characteristics : tiny plant . Succulent stems sleek, green bark . Bishops purple , red and bit by bit fade into a inexperienced crystal triangle . Most square measure lightweight inexperienced. Tall , regarding twenty five to fifty cm tall absolutely a hundred and twenty cm branches leaf leaves inexperienced by swapping out beneath every leaf with stems 2-3 cm leaves appear as if leaves , chili simple , obtuse, sharp edges and sleek leaves. wide, 3-4 cm long, 4-7 cm secondary nerves 5-7 pairs of flowers and leaves with stems. tiny flower -like flower pepper . Shorter and stiffer than the petals . Buds ellipsoid sharp . Home time could be a horn . Diameter from one.5 to two cm inner petals square measure yellowness . Outer petals or sepals , five petals with lightweight inexperienced growth which can lead to a loose growth, protective covering makes it look as if the blister . Flowering from Feb to November, the result bit by bit unstably with floral leaf -like outer cowl lamp China lightweight inexperienced with purple stripes . at intervals the 1-2 cm diameter spherical clear inexperienced. And becomes yellow once ripe seeds within the seed with lots of tiny flat circular diameter of regarding zero.2 to 0.3 mm, with a mucous secretion coating like tomatoes lots .
Part used: The dried plant root membranes .

Properties .
All the - cough , asthma , chronic wound healing jaundice , pharyngitis with pus .
Root - wont to drive clinical treatment of polygenic disease.

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