วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556


Common Name : Ginger.
Scientific name : Zingiber officinale Roscoe.
Family : Zingiberaceae.
Other names: Kingแklg , ginger, red ( Chantaburi ) , ginger, taro ( Chiang Mai) , Savannah, A. ( Mae ) , gingerbread houses , Kingcrg , wild ginger , ginger the ginger flower one (central ) , KIA (China Chaozhou ).

Is a biennial plant . With underground rhizomes . Shell color fawn . sweet-scented flesh in ivory solely . Gore Gore shoots or stem implant consists of overlapping leaf sheath or leaf cowl could be a single blade . square measure organized alternately in 2 rows . Smooth, wide lancelike leaves one.5 to a pair of cm long, 12-20 cm behind the wrap form diminishes because the sharp finish of the communication . 2 slender leaves and stems square measure coated sheath artificial Between the sheath and therefore the blade is a smaller amount falciform elbows out along a bouquet of white flowers, mushroom or ancient blackjack . Thrust up from the roots . Upright stems up to 15-25 cm each flower bract chromatic red bow committed clams square measure tightly closed flower once young . And is receptive growth . Seen later. Vice flower petals and petal petals have 3 lobes every absorptive and sensitive scalp . Cone petals wrapped rolls . the top of the six petals, spore spreads wide for a tough spherical cut within the center , about 1 cm

  • Solitude: sweet, spicy carminative , colic, nausea , vomiting, distended tight wheezy coughing solve pituitary growth ethereal twist . Substance in aromatherapy. Action can stimulate contractions of the abdomen and intestines. The stalks square measure pounded or ground into a powder, tea drinking to alleviate nausea , vomiting, hurting tight lower inflation stalks recent juice mixed with water . Add a trifle salt, a cup of cough, phlegm .
  • From : spicy flare reflected the expel a hurting cure diarrhoea.
  • Quote : spicy nose skin lesions solve solve solve urinary stones place eye diseases kill parasites .
  • Flower: spicy , that makes the clinical depression . facilitate digestion. Put urine.
  • Roots: The spicy style bitter to resolve phlegm twist wind it tightly craving .
  • Results: sweet, spicy, nutrient milk fever , pharyngitis, dry throat cure cecity solve the elixir .
  • Help for a Drug / helpful.

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